Treatment of osteoarthritis of the hip joint

Coxarthrosis is a deforming arthrosis of the hip joint.Arthrosis of the hip jointThis is a chronic disease that is characterized by degenerative tissue changes and cartilage damage. Coxarthrosis is symptomatic of regular pain and deformities in the hip joint and limited mobility. The pathological changes are based on cartilage damage and the subsequent inflammatory reaction. Osteoarthritis changes bone tissue. The lesion is local, but other joints can also be affected. The main contingent of the sick are the elderly. Hereditary predisposition, a large body weight and trauma can be a risk factor. Endocrine disorders and metabolic imbalances are found in people with this problem. However, the main focus of treatment is on restoring the structure and function of the cartilage. Treatment for coxarthrosis is a long-term process that includes anti-inflammatory therapy, the use of chondroitin and glucosamine supplements to supplement the joints, exercise therapy, and physical therapy. Herbal treatment is recommended to help maintain joints at home. Proper diet and moderate exercise are important.

Symptoms of coxarthrosis

In coxarthrosis, the articular cartilage is primarily subject to deforming changes. There are 3 stages in the development of the disease. At the initial stage there are no morphological changes in the tissues of the joint. Only its functionality suffers. A person experiences periodic pain in the joint area after physical exertion, running, or long walks. After rest, the pain syndrome disappears. In the second stage, the bone begins to deform. The naturalness of the movements is greatly reduced. The pain is intense and often occurs at rest. The third stage is characterized by chronic pain syndrome. Pain bother patients day and night. Walking without a stick is difficult, the person is forced to lean the body forward. Several growths appear on the joint bones.

The main symptoms of osteoarthritis are:

  • Morning stiffness;
  • Joint pain;
  • Difficulty moving at a distance of more than 1 km;
  • increased pain when sitting or standing for long periods of time.

Podiatrists consider coxarthrosis to be one of the most common types of osteoarthritis. The risk group includes people with obesity, heavy physical labor, the elderly. Lack of treatment leads to the complete destruction of the hip joint, accompanied by unnatural mobility or complete immobility, as well as severe dysfunction of the lower extremities.

Drug therapy

Treatment of coxarthrosis begins with limiting physical activity. This is a long-term process that combines different therapy methods: taking anti-inflammatory and pain reliever drugs, intra-articular injections, physical therapy, and exercise therapy.

Features of the treatment of coxarthrosis 1, 2, 3 degrees:

  • at the first stage, NSAIDs are prescribed to stop the inflammatory process, drugs that normalize metabolic processes, analgesics are also needed, folk remedies are used in complex therapy;
  • in the second stage of coxarthrosis, intra-articular injections based on hyaluronic acid are added to drug therapy, laser treatment and electrical stimulation are carried out;
  • the third stage is treated conservatively and surgically, if an operation cannot be managed, a joint prosthesis is performed.

Medicines play the biggest role. Without anti-inflammatory and supportive agents, dystrophic changes cannot be avoided and constant pain cannot be eliminated. Doctors prescribe pharmacological agents with various effects to alleviate the condition of patients during exacerbations.

  • Medicines play the biggest role. Without anti-inflammatory and supportive agents, dystrophic changes cannot be avoided and constant pain cannot be eliminated. Doctors prescribe pharmacological agents with various effects to alleviate the condition of patients during exacerbations.
  • Muscle relaxants. Reduce the tone of the skeletal muscles. The muscles relax, which reduces the pain syndrome, the person recovers from the pain. These drugs are contraindicated in patients with arrhythmias.
  • Chondroprotectors. Symptomatic preparations with collagen. They nourish and restore damaged cartilage. They supply the joint with collagen from the outside and stimulate its production by the body. Chondroprotective drugs are drunk for a long time. Under the influence of these funds, the metabolism in tissues improves, the destroyed cartilage gradually grows. In complex therapy, these drugs are of undisputed benefit, especially in the early stages of the disease. With chronic osteoarthritis, they postpone the disability.

In order to stop the destruction of the cartilage tissue and supply the joint with "lubrication", injections are carried out with preparations based on hyaluronic acid and synthetic substances, which are similar in their composition to the synovial fluid. They are very compatible with the tissues of the human body. They effectively stop the process of cartilage destruction, have an analgesic and chondroprotective effect. Synthetic substances contain silver ions, which give an additional bacteriostatic effect.


Endoprosthetics is a surgical method used to treat the hip joint. If irreversible consequences occur in the cartilage tissue as a result of coxarthrosis and dysplasia, they resort to joint replacement. The operation makes it possible not only to reduce the persistent pain syndrome, but also to restore the function and mobility of the joint. Artificial joints are made of metal, polyethylene and ceramic. The fixation to the living bone is cement-free and cement-free. Endoprostheses take root well and can serve for decades. In some cases, however, the prosthesis wears out quickly and a second operation is required.

Physiotherapy treatment

Treatment of osteoarthritis of the hip joint is carried out with complex measures, including with the help of physiotherapy. This direction is associated with physical rehabilitation, supporting the body during the recovery and remission period, and preventing exacerbations. Physiotherapy is practiced by orthopedists, traumatologists, rheumatologists, masseurs, and exercise therapy trainers.

The following methods are recognized to be effective in treating coxarthrosis:

  • Ultrasound therapy;
  • Laser therapy;
  • Inductothermia;
  • Massage;
  • manual therapy.

With ultrasound therapy, high-frequency waves penetrate the tissue and act like a vibration massage. They improve biochemical processes, prevent stagnation, and promote better absorption of drugs. Ultrasound reduces inflammation.

The laser treatment dilates the blood vessels, stimulates the lymph flow, reduces inflammation and heals the tissue. The technique improves tissue trophy and helps maintain the structure and functions of organs.

With inductothermia, high-frequency waves act on the body. The method is effective for inflammation and pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. Stimulates the immune system, relieves pain and has a regenerative effect.

Massage is hardware and mechanical. Contrary to popular belief, not only the superficial layers of skin and muscles are exposed during a massage. During the work of the masseur, reflex and humoral regulatory mechanisms of the internal organs are activated. The combination of various massage techniques gives the patient antispasmodic, tonic, lymph-draining and analgesic effects.

A chiropractor works on a person's bones and joints. It relieves tension in some areas, tones others, eliminates pain, restores the functionality of the joints. First, the doctor uses diagnostic techniques, during which he determines the condition and capabilities of muscles, ligaments and joints. Then it goes on for treatment. Manual techniques are not used with exacerbations and complications.

The role of spa treatment

Sanatorium treatment is of great importance for coxarthrosis. Treatment and prophylaxis facilities to support people with musculoskeletal disorders mainly use natural factors.

  • Climatic therapy. These are terrain features, a combination of weather factors, sea water, sun, air. Climatic therapy helps recovery, prevents the development of exacerbations, improves the flow of biological and physiological processes in the body. In areas with high air temperatures and a lot of sunlight, ideal conditions are created for the treatment of osteoarthritis.
  • Healing mud. Differentiate in origin. They are peat, sulphide silt, sapropel, hydrothermal. They are characterized by a high thermal capacity. They contain mineral, organic, biologically active components that penetrate the skin and have a positive effect on the joints. They improve metabolic processes, reduce inflammation and normalize blood circulation.
  • Mineral water. It contains trace elements, dissolved salts, biologically active substances. In the case of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, the use of mineral baths is indicated. The procedures increase mobility, tighten, activate blood circulation and improve metabolism.
  • Phytotherapy. A method based on the use of medicinal herbs. Infusions, decoctions contain a large amount of active substances that not only effectively support the sick body, but also have a pronounced therapeutic effect.

Treatment with natural factors in sanatoriums is combined with physiotherapeutic methods, exercise therapy, dietary nutrition and adherence to the daily routine. Spa programs are designed for all stages of joint disease.

Physical activity

In the recommendations for people with osteoarthritis, doctors advise limiting the load on the legs. It pays to be more careful when you stop squatting, squatting, and physical labor around the house and in the garden. If pain is already noticeable, do not load the joint (reduce cardinal load). It is especially worthwhile to exclude running and jumping. However, you cannot do without gymnastics.

In order to get the joint to work, special exercises should be performed. A person with osteoarthritis is basically not suitable for the gymnastics of the "boys" - at high speed, with increasing stress, with high intensity for the entire session. If the joint is sore, exercise should be done extremely slowly, gently, and measured until discomfort or pain occurs. If you are in pain, it is worth taking a break.

Therapeutic gymnastics allows you to normalize the state of muscles, improve blood circulation in the joint, provide it with adequate nutrition and remove the products of putrefaction and inflammation. Gymnastics helps drugs quickly get into a sore joint and develop a therapeutic effect. The most difficult task of physical therapy exercises is to correctly dose the load. Too short training will not achieve the healing effect. And excessive stress also damages the joint. Competent recommendations can only be given by the attending physician. They depend on the particular condition of the patient and the specifics of the course of the disease.

Diet for coxarthrosis

There are many reasons for cartilage destruction. Diet is of great importance in the treatment of osteoarthritis of the hip joint of 1, 2, 3 degrees. Today the market is crammed with foods that are rich in preservatives. Attractive hams, smoked meats, sausages on display on the shelves contain a variety of specific components. The meat is treated with enzymes, active ingredients that accelerate the production process and quickly obtain an attractive product. Preservatives increase the shelf life of any product: ready-to-use or raw, which are only widely used by manufacturers.

When consuming foods filled with preservatives, a person gets an excess of salt that retains moisture. Salt is retained and accumulated in the cartilage and the joint stops working. Such osteoarthritis is by nature a simple inflammation that can be treated well. And coxarthrosis, which arose against the background of metabolic disorders, metabolic failure and the consumption of junk food, requires adherence to a diet. It is not necessary to strictly limit your food intake or to go without a whole list of healthy foods. It is enough to follow a few simple rules:

  • refuse ready-made smoked meat from the store;
  • exclude the consumption of concentrated broths;
  • Depending on the cooking method, give preference to boiling and stewing;
  • Completely exclude the consumption of salt, do not buy salted fish, sausages, canned food;
  • do not consume more than 10-15 g of animal fats per day, prepare meals with the addition of various vegetable oils;
  • monitor the calorie content of food, giving up the so-called "fast" carbohydrates, sugar, confectionery;
  • Exclude mayonnaise from the menu, season salads and sauces with low-fat sour cream;
  • exclude the consumption of alcoholic beverages;
  • limit the consumption of oily fish, caviar.

Instead of smoked meat, buy natural meat, chickens raised on farms by local producers. It is better to cook the first courses in vegetable broths, without cooking foods rich in vitamins for several hours. The bouillon cubes popular today are almost 100% chemical. This is harm in its purest form.

You should not completely abandon cooked meat. But it is better to take pre-cooked lean pieces and put them on a plate in portions, and only then pour the vegetable soup. Total rejection of meat is an extreme.

An old recipe for keeping bones and joints firm is jellied meat. A few decades ago, when little was known about artificial preservatives, this was justified. Now such a product can only increase cholesterol levels.

Fresh fish has not yet been treated with preservatives. But modern manufacturers have also learned that. Today one can only speak of the advantages of fish if it came straight to the counter from a fishing trawler or was bought alive.

Only by changing dietary principles can a person reduce the suffering from deforming osteoarthritis. The diet should include a large amount of fresh vegetables, berries, herbs, and fruits. Low-fat dairy products, lean meats, and chicken are useful. Rice, beets, potatoes, watermelon help remove salt from the body. Once a week, it is recommended to arrange fasting days with kefir, cottage cheese, fruit and herb decoctions.